Thursday, January 19, 2012

So what did my parents say when I dropped the big bomb?

Most girls who find out they are unexpectedly pregnant are most nervous about telling their dads, that was definitely not the case for me. Lets just say you haven't met my mother. (who was the last to find out)  I can remember driving down dialing my dads number and anticipating what his response would be, which was much better then I could have imagined. Our conversation went a little like this

Me: Hey daddy whats up
Dad: Hey pumpkin, just working how are you.
Me: Well, Im alright, I am just going to get this over with, I'm pregnant.
Dad: GREAT! Congratulations.
Me: what? You are not going to yell at me?
Dad: Well what good is that going to do, you are going to have a baby whether I yell at you or not.

Yea, seems pretty simple right? Well that boosted my confidence a little as I was trying to muster up the courage to tell my mom.

A week goes by and everyone knows..except for mom. I had to wait for the perfect moment, which had to be in person.. I would have been hunted down if I told her over the phone. My sister Ashley and her husband were coming to Visit from Florida and I finally got some time off from work to go to Blairsville and visit. When I arrived, my sister and her husband were off celebrating their wedding anniversary. I initially had planned on not telling my mom while my sister was there because I did not want to ruin their trip with a "family crisis." My brother ruined that idea. I come in the door, settle in and make a sandwich and as I am sitting there he blurts out, Mom, Amber has something to tell you, yes I know, way to throw me under the bus. Well, there is no going back now. So i said it,

"Mom, I'm Pregnant"

Mom: "Haha your real funny."

Brother: "No mom, she is not kidding, I have known for two days"

Mom: "She is kidding, she has to be, she is not that stupid."

And this is the point where all heck breaks loose and mom goes off the deep end. She goes and frantically calls for my stepdad to come inside who rushes inside and asks, "Who Died?" And my mom goes on to tell him I am pregnant, at which point his face calms and he becomes the voice of reason. Three hours of tantrums pass, and my mom goes from "I am not going to be a part of any wedding, and that boy better not show his face in this house." to

"Well, I guess I am going to have to get a swingset."

So as soon as she calmed and realized that I was not 16 and in highschool she was consumed with excitement and ready to be a Grandma! So the rest of the week goes on and I am the butt of every baby joke my family can come up with.

And here we are today, a  year and a half later, and my mom and dad love sweet Izzy with all of their hearts. We laugh now at the responses from my mom, and tease her, but I know now that I am a mother, that all she wanted was the best for me, and she didn't want to see my life spiral out of control.

I have an amazing supportive family.

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